
बच्चों के लिए पर्यावरण अध्ययन (#EnvironmentalStudies) पैहम नवरस के साथ

पैहम नवरस का #जलवायु_परिवर्तन (#Climate_Change) तथ्य १: माइसीलियम (#Mycelium) नामक फफूंद (#Fungus) पैहम नवरस का #जलवायु_परिवर्तन तथ्य २: #अरंगुटान #बंदरों पर जलवायु परिवर्तन का नकारात्मक प्रभाव पैहम नवरस का #जलवायु_परिवर्तन तथ्य ३: #वनों_की_कटाई के परिणाम स्वरूप #महामारियों_का_बढ़ता_ख़तरा पैहम नवरस का #जलवायु_परिवर्तन तथ्य ४: #जंगलों_की_कटाई #बाघों_के_लिए_गंभीर पैहम नवरस का #जलवायु_परिवर्तन तथ्य ५: #जंगलों_की_कटाई #तेंदुओं_के_लिए_गंभीर_ख़तरा पैहम नवरस का #जलवायु_परिवर्तन तथ्य ६: संकट में #चीन का #पैंडा (#China's #Panda, #endangered_species)  

Environmental Studies for Kids with Chahkaar & Paiham, Preadolescent Twins

     Here is a collection of short videos released by  Chahkaar Navras & Paiham Navras , preadolescent twins, for raising public awareness of environment related issues, specifically addressed to children to rope them into climate activism. They aim to empower children to engage in climate action and advocate for climate justice. They are primary level students.       There is also a Facebook community for this purpose, Eco Champs Collective , where you are invited to showcase your children's environmental activities. Paiham Navras' Climate Fact 1: Oman's Monsoon Rainforest Chahkaar Navras' Climate Fact 1: The Revival of Mongolian Wild Horse Paiham Navras' Climate Fact 2: The Rising Sea Levels Chahkaar Navras' Climate Fact 2: Autism among Children Paiham Navras' Climate Fact 3: The Melting of Glaciers Chahkaar Navras' Climate Fact 3: Impact of Climate Change on the Girl Child Paiham Navras' Climate Fact 4: The Menace of Single Use Plastic B...

My Personal Library

By Paiham Navras (8-year-old) 14 January 2024      I love books, which makes me a bibliophile. Over the years I have managed to build a personal library for myself. I have books in English, Hindi and Urdu. Once I learn Bangla (Bengali), I will get books in that language as well. Some books are from my father’s childhood, which I and my twin sister Chahkaar Navras inherited from him, while the others were chosen by either of us and the rest were chosen for us by our parents. I have books of both fiction and non-fiction. My non-fiction books can be broadly divided in the following categories – History, Science, Nature and Wildlife, Biographies, Travel, and Poetry. As for my fiction books, those can be divided in the following categories – Folklore, Religion and Mythology, Fairy Tales, Story Books, Drama,  Graphic Novels, Jokes, and Comics. I share my personal library with my sister, mentioned above.        My favourite book is A Mountain of Ge...